The Hazard Ready Team

Carson MacPherson-Krutsky

Carson MacPherson-Krutsky holds a Ph.D. in geosciences from Boise State University and is a research associate at the Natural Hazards Center at the University of Colorado Boulder. Her work centers on effective risk communication for diverse audiences and bridging disciplines to aid real-world decision-making. She oversees and develops content for HazardReady websites, which originated from her master’s research at the University of Montana.

Rebecca Bendick

Rebecca Bendick has a Ph.D. in geophysics from the University of Colorado. Her research on tectonics and earthquake mechanics led to an interest in how human communities are affected by natural disasters, and inspires her ongoing efforts to help people better understand and prepare for them. She writes and lectures on the ethics of science communication as well as on her basic geophysical research.

Grant Kier

Grant Kier has a M.Sc. in geology from the University of Colorado. He is broadly interested in community resilience in the context of manmade and natural changes. He also has a background in business practices and currently works on economic development, fostering small and startup companies in western Montana.

Melinda Minch

Melinda Minch has a M.Sc. in Computer Science from Case Western Reserve University. She is a freelance software developer who prefers to work on projects that contribute positively to society; her favorite projects involve working with scientists and researchers to make websites that further their goals.

Courtenay Duzet

Courtenay Duzet has a B.Sc. in Environmental Sciences from Oregon State University and an M.Sc. in Geosciences from the University of Montana. She currently works as a data manager and science communicator for the U.S. Geological Survey's National Climate Adaptation Science Center.

The Hazard Ready Project


Montana Ready! is designed to help educate and prepare people for disasters that occur in their area. Disasters don’t strike locations equally so we found it important to give location specific information in order to properly prepare. Montana Ready! organizes current information and packages it in a way that makes it accessible for any Western Montana resident.

This site uses the most up-to-date hazard risk data available for Western Montana. The user of this site is responsible for verifying any particular information with the original data sources. Although these data represent the best current assessment of hazards, they are not predictive of future events. The descriptions of risk and how to prepare for those risks are based on best information from the American Red Cross and the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

How we build Hazard Ready Sites: 1. Gather data. Locate the most relevant and up-to-date data on natural hazards for your region from trusted sources like FEMA, NOAA, and the USGS. 2. Quality Check. Work with local partners (community groups & emergency managers) to ensure the data and infomration are accurate. 3. Process data. Make the data compatible with Hazard Ready software. 4. Build content. Write the webpage text, gather images and videos, locate local resources for each hazard and region. 5. Feedback and focus groups. Discuss content and designs to ensure the information fits each community's needs. 6. Revise, revise, revise and launch site!

Data used for Montana Ready! is available for download here.